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If You Have Not Received Your Registration Codes...

We send out the registration codes within 24 hours of the receipt of payment, although most codes are sent out within a couple of minutes. We have nothing to gain by withholding your registration codes, since a large part of our business is from satisfied customers who continually purchase upgrades.

If you do not receive your codes after 24 hours, follow these guidelines:

1: Check your spam folder
The word "Lotto" in our email seems to trigger a lot of false positives with spam filters. So check your spam, or junk mail folder. It is always a smart practice to add "*" on your white list of trusted email senders.

2: Verify that your email box is not full
This too, is common. If your email box is full, incoming email will not be delivered.

3: Contact us
Please contact us at Include your phone number in the email! If you are having trouble receiving our emails, it is pointless sending you additional emails. We will contact you by phone.